Using proven scientific principles we prepare leaders to effectively utilize and manage the talent of their respective teams. People have always been one of the more complex aspects of organizations and we bring clarity to the people side of the business.
Developing talent to perform at their best is critical to organizational growth. Using our talent assessment and development programs, organizations can turn their most valuable resource into their most important competitive advantage.
Understanding the dynamics of communication and communication preferences turns frustration and confusion into trust and clarity. Organizations that communicate effectively continuously out perform their peers.
Explores the leadership pathway and how leaders are identified and acclimated, along with key traits as objectives for leaders. We break down key differences between individual contributors, managers, mentors and leaders. Ensuring you know where each role fits and when to use them.
The power dynamic has shifted and we are now in an employee market, meaning the demand for people is so high, employees have the power. This means people can no longer be "managed", they must be lead. In this series we focus on shifting from managing, to coaching and developing people.
An engaged workforce is a productive workforce, which enables us to do more with less in times where talent is scarce. We explore the differences between satisfaction, happiness, performance and engagement and how to focus on and drive the right levers.
Trust is the hallmark of any culture. Trust is built through clarity in communication, processes that promote security, and people feeling accountable to their organization and their peers. We work through the types of trust and how to build it.
Leaders make decisions every day that are impacting their people and the bottom line. In this module we break down the art of decision-making and share techniques to ensure leaders are thinking critically about the impact of their decisions, and empowering those around them to make decisions.
Explores the right (and wrong) ways to build teams and promote collaboration and team spirit. Emphasis on live and virtual techniques, along with the benefits and impact of these efforts.
Change is difficult, and change is guaranteed. To be successful, companies are finding themselves in a constant state of evolution to stay competitive, internally and externally. We explore ways to approach change, while staying true and reinforcing culture.
Accountability is a critical component of promoting trust. For people to be accountable, they often need to be empowered. Not empowered with "power" necessarily, but empowered with information to make clear choices. We explore how leaders can create environments that promote accountability.
Culture will be a more significant requirement in the employer/employee relationship in the next decades. This session explores how cultures are built. How to design and align your culture with your organizational values and strategic vision. Helps you create a language and narrative around the appropriate culture.